“Cats are furry waterfalls of grace.” – Layla Morgan Wilde, writer & photographer
Here is the big love of my life, my kitty cat Blue. He’s all grey, and when I say big, he weighs about 15 lbs, he’s a monster with teeth and claws! No really, he’s a sweetie, he just looks mean. I don’t know what I’d do without him, he’s an amazing and gentle soul and spirit to have around me. I named him Blue because my mom said he looks like he has some of the cat breed “Russian Blue” in him. My mom informed that grey in cat lingo is referred to as blue, like my mom’s blue point Siamese. Go figure. The veterinarian said I could have him genetically tested for his cat lineage, meaning if he might have some Russian Blue in him, but it’s not that important to me. He is who is he is and I love him the way he is! So, the only blue as in blue things in this pic are my eyes.