Supposedly, it’s a cardinal makeup sin to wear blue eye shadow with blue eyes, too theatrical. But am I a girl who does not sin? Do I listen to what should not be done? Subtle is the key. And subtle is how I applied my light blue eye shadow. I also distract from the eye shadow with top heavy eyebrow pencil to line and define my brows, this look is “in” right now.
I’m often told my eyes are my best feature, crystal blue, aquamarine blue, icy blue, {choose an adjective} blue. Eyes are the doors to our souls. And my ancestry. My blues eyes and freckles came from my Irish side. My other side is Portuguese, distant past, 19th century immigrants to New England. I live near the coast and couldn’t bear to live inland. The Irish and Portuguese blood that runs thru my veins situates me near or on the ocean. In any case, my bewitching blue eyes will cast a spell on U.