As may or may not know, I have Scottish ancestry and traveled to Scotland this year to visit relatives in and around Aberdeen. It was a blast because they all like to drink a lot and have a great time telling funny stories. I had my cell phone with me, but I forgot to check before I left if it would be compatible in the UK and it wasn’t, so I couldn’t use my Tinder app to hook up there. Luckily, my cousin let me use her laptop and I found this great blog that linked to a Scottish sex personals site CasualSexAberdeen.co.uk and signed up for free. I hooked up in Aberdeen – shhhh don’t tell any of my aunts and uncles how naughty I was. The guy I hooked up with even put on a family tartan kilt for me. And I did find out if Scottish men wear anything under their kilts and the answer is NO they go commando under their kilts!!
While I heard that Scottish men can be a little shy, they aren’t shy where it counts, in the sack!! So if you live in Aberdeen or the surrounding area and you are looking to hook up for some hot NSA sex, you should definitely check out this sex blog and then click over to the Aberdeen dating site. You can register for free and search other local members. I would have been lost and sexless without it! Here is a pic of me with one of my cousins. I muted out her face for privacy, but you can see the family resemblance with our ultra blue eyes!